Stripe and Spot posing for their photo

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update on rabbits ear

i figured the cause of her bleeding is her long nails, but i can't go to the vet until 3 days from now and i don't know how to clip her nails myself. any suggestions on how do i stop her from making her ear bleeding for the mean time?




Anyone know what breed she is?

She's about 9 or 10 weeks old. She has blue eyes and is super friendly and calm. The pet store didn't know what she was. I'm just curious how big she will get


Today (06.09) is Cub’s birthday!


My bunny is about to be 4. Is it too late to get her a bonded pair? I didn’t before because we didn’t have the space/money but I think we can do it now. What do y’all think?


I’m legit a stalker for the buns


Juniper thinks he is king and crosses his legs when he sits! My cutie proper bun


Bunny with my husbun.


I love my bunny

I was told he was a female and an angora rabbit. Turns out he is a boy. As for Angora... I'm not sure. His fur doesn't grow that quick. I still love him


Who needs to see whole tv screen when you can look at your rabbit

He likes the evening tv time
