She ate all the feathers

Read also:

Enjoying the sun


Meet Phoebe

This cute baby Bicolor Ragdoll comes home to me at the end of September. I am so over the moon 🥰


Hes been wandering around our oil tankers at work. Only kitten or cat I've ever seen on the property. Think his size is to big to socialize? He looked much smaller, and less feisty, outside of the trap 😐


Pixie (Black) being a good big sister letting Saturn (Calico) eat first


Wtf Temu


Yes, i leave the pint glass there and top it off regularly. #catdad


Achilles is trying to biscuit this cold out of me


Is it possible for humans to spread Covid to animals?

I’m really sick, over a 100 degree fever. Sassy and Ginger are taking turns sitting on my lap like every night. I did a video call with a nurse practitioner and she saw Ginger on my lap but didn’t say anything about it. Going to the urgent care tomorrow to get tested. I’ve never tested positive for Covid. Maybe I got it but had no idea because every time I get a test it’s negative It’s common for me to get bronchitis in the winter or early spring but I’ve never been sick this time of year. I don’t want Sassy and Ginger to catch what I have.


He’s mad at me because my husband is fixing our sink and wants to help and I’m not letting him

Honestly, how dare I.


Tom’s in need of attention
