Anyone know what this is? Found it in my house and killed it

Read also:

Termite or ant?

Probably gets asked a lot, sorry. Location is CA. My neighbors that I share a wall with have termites. Pest control said I don’t have termites but that my neighbor did. I’ve seen these little guys around sometimes. Probably flying ants but wanted to verify if possible.


I was having a very bad night. And this guy turned it around. Have I been blessed?!

Colorado, US boots and snoots?!


I know the picture is INSANELY bad I didnt check it until after but if possible what kind of spider is this? big as a quarter, central America. seen 3 the past few weeks


What bug is this?


This landed in a tree right next to us today. In central Oregon area


Is this a brown recluse? It seemed huge for a BR


Wife found this on the toilet! Is worrying it’s tick/ bed bugs. Any idea?


What spider is this, sorry for those disturbed by dead spiders. But I am disturbed more by living ones. Area South Africa Gauteng Pretoria North outskirts, I live on small farm.


What is this? Found near Seattle, WA


Who is this fella? Found him on my route at work. I'm in Ohio.
