Dark brown dot in the eye, the vet says it's nothing, but I'm still worried

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I just got this sweet baby. Everyone meet Billy Earl.


Poor Pippin had to get his butt shaved and put on gabapentin at the vet yesterday

Don’t mind the clothes, they’re there to prevent him from going under the shelves behind him😅 He got so much matted dried poop stuck to his butt that he couldn’t go #2 and was throwing up all over—he got a butt shave, some manual extraction, medicated ointment, probiotics, and gabapentin. Poor Pip is so scared but he’s a trooper!



Show me pictures of your yawning kitty!


He has the prettiest eyes


Her nickname is princess queen 👸


Raise your hand if u want to cuddle all day with your cat!


0.5x pictures

I think 0.5x pictures of cats are the goofiest thing ever please share


We did a DNA test on our fluffy imp. I was pleasantly surprised by the results!


Do “kitty diapers” work?

This is my 16 year old buddy, Charles. Charles grew up as a clinic cat in an animal hospital for the first two years of his life. He came to live with me because he started peeing all over the clinic (I helped raise him as I worked there). He still urinates occasionally, and somewhat recently he messed on a $10,000 Persian rug. I’ve had him confined to my bedroom ever since as he refuses to urinate in there, but he seems so lonely. I’m considering diapers but cats are slippery buggers and I was just curious if they’d work. Do any of you have experience with diapers?


Can’t come up with a suitable name for her. Give me your best!
