My cat looks perpetually angry yet she’s a sweetheart

Read also:

tiny Lori chilling after a long exhausting day of chilling


What you doing?


Where are you looking?


Ginger watching the neighborhood deer


When you try to make a nice picture to sell your house but you are a cat owner.

I'm a realtor and I saw this picture looking for a house for a client and I almost fell off my chair


Traveling for work with my four legged buddy

My job is probably going to have me travel about 5 to 6 hours from where I live to an area where there’s work. Does anybody have any advice when it comes to taking your cat along for travel? My only other option would be to have one of my friends stay at my place while I’m out working. I think he’d be willing to do it but I just don’t want my little buddy alone most of the day with no one to hang out with when I’m gone for two or three weeks at a time. I just can’t imagine leaving my little guy for that long it’s not fair to me, and it’s certainly not fair to him. I don’t want to stress him out too much if I were to bring him so I’m a bit reluctant to bring him with. Just the idea of him being stressed out in the hotel or apartment all day without me there upsets me.


Dark brown dot in the eye, the vet says it's nothing, but I'm still worried


I just got this sweet baby. Everyone meet Billy Earl.


Poor Pippin had to get his butt shaved and put on gabapentin at the vet yesterday

Don’t mind the clothes, they’re there to prevent him from going under the shelves behind him😅 He got so much matted dried poop stuck to his butt that he couldn’t go #2 and was throwing up all over—he got a butt shave, some manual extraction, medicated ointment, probiotics, and gabapentin. Poor Pip is so scared but he’s a trooper!



Show me pictures of your yawning kitty!
