The weapons are all cleaned for the weekend golf trip with the guys

Annual Ryder Cup style trip starts in the AM and had to get the girls ready

Read also:

Cracked driver toe. Is it playable?

I was messing around and toe shanked the absolute crap out of my M5. It resulted in a pretty large crack just off the toe. My question is, is it still playable? I don't play any competitive or sanctioned rounds, so I'm not particularly concerend about it meeting any standards, but have obvious concerns about performance. What's the call?


Had my best round tonight, I love this game today.

Played my weekly men's night, and got matched with another pair who we've golfed with once before and who are much better than us. (They shot 45 and 49) It poured rain today and I really wasn't expecting much. The greens were slow and soft from the rain. Things didn't start out too well, but at least I was hitting my driver pretty straight, if not that far. (Taking 10-20% off my swing has helped me hit straight the last couple of weeks, so I'm driving 200ish, but hitting fairways). The par on the fifth hole was awesome, especially because it was the hard way, my tee shot wasn't ideal and missed the fairway but my pitch was good onto the receptive greens and I one-putted. The next two holes were also good. I managed to play out of the red staked areas when I found myself in them (3x) and fairly well too. I took my medicine when I found myself with an off fairway shot and didn't try any "hero" shots through the trees etc. I walked away with a scorecard I was really happy with, feeling like breaking 100 is a possibly achievable goal this year, or early next year - and beating my regular golfing buddy by 5 strokes, who I've never scored better than. I'll be surprised if I'm not in the money for net finish in my flight, but I really don't care either way, in my head I won tonight! We'll see what happens next game though. TL;DR Played my best game of the year and walked away loving this game, that'll probably change next game.


2 Months into Golf. 22 y.o. athletic male. Play about 3 times a week. Any advice you wish you had starting out would be greatly appreciated!


Been nervous about playing golf outdoors, but this 18 on the sim today has ignited my confidence!


Golf Club ID, has atlantic marine engraved on the face


When you find bolt cutters in the rough, instead of your ball


I thought my driver's cover needed something extra.


What’s the play? Trying not to go to prison for killing an endangered species, but I have been topping it all day…

Not sure what kind of bird this is but they look cool and are directly between me and the flag 😅. You can see GF’s ball is safe just beyond the birds. My ball (mostly the birds) are definitely not safe.


How’s your golf?


Picked this bad boy up for €125 at my local golf shop, used.
