To break the law but law was upheld

Read also:

To have a peaceful meditation session


To Support woman's Sports (Hitters is our football team)


To rename a website (OC)


To give advice as an AI bot


To legitimize the "There are single women in your area who want to go out with you!" emails

The "who want to go out with you" part referring to the last section, about "having a better chance to find a mate." And, yes, this was a real email from the US Census Bureau.


Anybody own these?

I have Adidas points that are going to expire so I want to buy some new golf shoes. Very curious to hear reddits feedback on these.


I wouldn't mind a large lesson or two

I mean, she's really good at golf (compared to a duffer like me)


Change my mind


The weapons are all cleaned for the weekend golf trip with the guys

Annual Ryder Cup style trip starts in the AM and had to get the girls ready


Cracked driver toe. Is it playable?

I was messing around and toe shanked the absolute crap out of my M5. It resulted in a pretty large crack just off the toe. My question is, is it still playable? I don't play any competitive or sanctioned rounds, so I'm not particularly concerend about it meeting any standards, but have obvious concerns about performance. What's the call?
