I love this course

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He will not eat Hay

What have people done to get their buns back on a propper hay diet, I tried giving him less pellets and veggies and plenty of fresh hay and I think he’d rather starve than eat it


would a rabbit use this?

i think this is the cutest thing ever but not sure if it would appeal to a bunny


Sick Rabbit

So we have a mini rex we've had for over a year now. Recently these spots started showing up in her cage. I thought maybe it was blood spots, my boyfriend feels like its like diarrhea or soft poops. Its just hard to tell because we have these colored blankets in her cage. She's been fixed and her diet is consistent. Timothy hay and the occasional fruit treat. She doesn't act any differently. I also checked her for wounds and injuries, I don't see any. She has been drinking a lot more water though. We took her to the vet today. The vet said she needs to be on a 50/50 diet with pellets and hay. She also said she thought it might be anal leakage from the lack of vitamins that the pellets would supply. She also prescribed meds for a UTI just incase thats the issue. I hate to discredit a vet but everything I've seen online has said rabbits do better with very little pellets or even a hay only diet. I'm not sure what to do, I hate to start giving her pellets and she start to ignore the hay completely but also I want her to get everything she needs.


Noctis and I both cheating on our diets


Where's the on and off button need to do a reset on this rabbit


She eats on the plate




2meirl4meirl It might work




