Hershey just chillin'

My grandbun

Read also:

ears so big it cover her eyes


he wants to be a squishmallow


after a hard day of eating hay and making a mess


Happy Friday from Oreo!


why won’t he stop eating cat food? 😭

my partner and i have a rabbit, cat, and dog. we have to put the dog and cat food away in between meals because Jarvis (our rabbit) keeps eating the cat and dog food. he’s like searching it out and sneaking to eat it when we forget to pick it up. here’s a picture of him thinking we weren’t looking and eating cat food. what do we do? he pushed the door open and went directly for the cat food 😭


my girl is being hospitalized for 2 days for sudden g.i stasis, please keep her in your best wishes :')


"Neurological deficit"

These two cuties are available at my local humane society. I'm very curious about what kind of "neurological deficit" Hopper has, how it may impact his daily life, and if it requires any extra care. Just looking to learn!


Does spaying make handling rabbits easier?

(I hate this cage but I swear I'm ordering her play pen today!!) I have a 5 month old rabbit that i got from a very severely neglectful owner. She's very sweet and loves to be pet but will scratch for her life if i try to pick her up. Of course I respect her boundaries and won't pick her up if I don't need to but I would eventually like to be able to hold her like I did my last rabbit. She isn't spayed and I'm actually not entirely sure she's female. I do plan on getting her spayed regardless. Will doing so make her more comfortable being handled? If not, what are some things I can try? I've only had her for a week.


Tris on a walk


Peanut, our newly adopted meerkat
