Bonding rabbits

Unfortunately we lost our girl last week and our boy (6 months old) seems to be lonely so we are going to get him a new wife. This will be our first time trying to bond rabbits. There are 2 bunnies we like, one is ten weeks old, the other is 6 weeks old and tiny. My question is do you think that having less of a age and size difference will make it easier for them to get, or more likely to fight. Also my set up is in the picture, it there is anything that I need to change or could do to make it better. Thanks

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Rabbit health scare

My roommate text me today and said that my rabbit, Mister (1.5M), had blood in his pee. I asked her to just keep an eye on him, but she doesn’t have a lot of experience with rabbits so I’m wondering if she just mistook his normal urine as bloody. (Sometimes if he has too many strawberries his pee is a little pink, they are his favorite snack but I normally limit him to a healthy amount). I have him in a make shift quarantine so I can keep an eye on him and haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. He came right to me when I got home and has a normal appetite. I’m just curious if anyone has any advice or if I should be worried. (Here’s a picture of him with our dog. They love each other!)


Yes... He is in fact JUST sleeping.

Way to many scares to count😅 Probably took already a few years of my life.




I think I'm in trouble

I covered the dig box for the night, I think Kreamy is unhappy about that.


Porridge and I


Hahaha my girlfriends bunny.


"May the Lord of Celery hear our solemn prayers"

Her prayers were heard; she got banana for dessert.


Confronting her about why she has been living a double life and is a model for a bunny products brand. Look at that guilty face


Hershey just chillin'

My grandbun


ears so big it cover her eyes
