
Read also:

Outrageous LTTStore behavior

How dare you get me so close to Order# Nice-reverse Nice-Nice and withhold it from me. Curse you Luke Nukem!


“How can I make my lack of concern for others sound more….fun?”


Apparently it’s not a bad thing to be racist, says a person trying to justify her racism. She said I’m in the “woke religion” because I said environmental factors play a big role in IQ, not race, and cited studies she ignored so she could continue being racist.


Potpot nyo nanyo


The Gay is at it again.


Found in a toolbox at work (university hospital), foldable, not sharp


Found this Tripod with a container (probably propane) hanging from it and a red tube connected to a batterie ontop. It was near a hunting perch in the Black Forest, Germany.


Wood box found in cabin, may be 3ft long, 1ft wide, with handles and a drain hole.

It also has cleats on the bottom corners like it's supposed to sit across some rods. Metal grate laying inside but not sure if it goes with it.


Found in the middle of a disc golf course in Colorado. Seems like a glass jar with tubing and a toothbrush taped to it, nothing in the jar that I could tell


This is under a seemingly random cabinet in the kitchen. It's plastic and looks like a tiny vent but doesn't seem to be connected to the HVAC. It seems to open and close with the button/rocker on the right.
