My best friend from high school.

Took this picture last week for his dating profile. Talked to him yesterday at about 2pm. Said he was going to get back to me but appreciated the good vibes I was sending him. Left work, took a shower, went into his mom's basement and hung himself. His 14 year old nephew found him. His mom has been texting me. She's obviously distraught and in shock. She told me a girl he considered a close friend stopped talking to him. He was stuck in a scammers web of lies also. Dumped 4k USD with the promise of getting 20k. One of the texts she sent me said he was actively trying to attempt suicide, his own words. I never knew any of this. And when I think about being 70 or 75, I didn't once think he wouldn't be around. And now he's gone. His name was Jim. Or as I called him "Jimbo". I just don't know what happened.

Read also:

Last photograph taken of Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, 26th April 1863. He died 2 weeks later of a combination of wounds sustained, shortly after this picture was taken, and pneumonia.


My last image with my dad.

On this Wednesday, my father left me at 62. I wanted to tell him many things, but sometimes just I couldn't. Loved him so much


Last photo of my Uncle Aron before he passed away.

Ruled as a death caused by COVID-19 complications additional to preexisting conditions. Found in his recliner with country music still playing. They think he passed in his sleep.


my best friend a few weeks before she killed herself. we were 17

this is my best friend aireyanna, we were laughing so hard she started crying in this picture. she was the light of my life, always optimistic and the best friend i could’ve ever asked for. i won’t get too much into the details but she hung herself, came as a complete shock. we were on suspension from school and she was having troubles with her bf. i’ll never forget seeing her family members throwing up/crying in their front yard after they found her. it breaks my heart to even think aout it’s been 4 years. she saved me everyday and i just wish i could’ve been there to save her. rest in peace my angel this world didn’t deserve you💕


Bought a Utility 2-3 Iron (18-21*) from Ebay. After paying for it, i have noticed that the pre owner has a graphite shaft which has the length of an 5 iron in it. My question now: what will this do the club. (ballflight, distance, feel etc.)


Smack Dab Middle of the Fairway (Muni course)

Mower missed a spot


Nothin’ like new irons day



I’m not Anthony but free, do I reply back?


Testing these two against each other for a couple weeks. Looser gets replaced with the winner in a midsize for round two.


Shepherds Crook Zion IL
