What happens here, In this Remote Exclave of Angola.

Read also:

Is there a reason there is no highway here?


Is there a collective name for these central Asian deserts?


How does something like this form?

I spend my free time browsing new real estate listings in the country and this water formation always catches my eye. Still haven’t seen any properties listed on it. Thanks in advance for answers. Sorry if this has been posted already.


Outer Banks, North Carolina

I am in the UK and I work for a US company in Raleigh. I love looking at maps and while nosing around the city and state my employer is based I noticed this thin strip of land off of the east coast. Google tells me it's called Outer Banks. Would love to hear real world experiences of what it's like to live or just visit. What's it like growing up there? Are there many places to cross to the mainland by water or do you need to drive out of it northwards?


This is the South for people who don't know!

I am open for debates for the unaware people, I am a fair minded individual, so please have some respect.


Why do these lakes exist

There’s probably a good reason for formation of these lakes but them, expectedly the neon blue one caught my eye


Mexican-American border

Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask a brief question; why was the Mexican-American border set at the Rio Grande river rather than the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains?? For context, I am currently in a university course studying the history of the Civil War and in our last discussion we were talking about how the Mexican American war was a another big event that further divided and drove up tensions between southern and northern states. (The tensions and cultural differences were already there pretty much since the beginning of British colonization) because there was debate on where the southern border should be. Southerners wanted access to more land that suitable for mass agriculture to expand slavery into new states obviously the Northerners disagreed. (Both were hesitant to allow non-white Hispanic majority regions into the country mind you and the south planned to just basically gentrify these places) Natural geographic boundaries have profound skill at being political boundaries as well. We talked about, in this same class, how physical geography influenced which southern states seceded and which did not because in some places, because of physical geography, slavery was nearly non-existent. Could a border set at the Sierra Madre Occidental served as a middle ground between Northern and Southern wants and needs at the time?? I imagine more arid regions Ultimately this is a question, but if it is more appropriate as a discussion post, apologies to the mods




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