When I was little, my brother and I liked to get the flour from the cabinet and toss it in the air so we could pretend it was snowing. We weren't the brightest.

Read also:

Call of airport (not mine and unknown author)

Traduction : "LOL, my brother, he approaches the soldiers and tells them: "WAAAAAH, it's you the guys In call of duty!!!"


How often to actually replace household items


Found this in a magazine. Makes me feel a bit sick

Stacks of Hermès boxes in someone’s house. Just google Hermès to take a look at the prices of their stuff.


The embodiment of consumerism and gluttony. A classical artwork mass-produced for a big box store...and it's big.


Don't know if something like this has been posted or not but...

I thought this may belong here. I get my medication delivered. It needs to be kept cold until it's recieved and can be stored in the fridge. The little box on top is my medication, and the bottom is it's shipping container. Little excessive don't you think?


McDonald's billboard

Does anyone else think this is crazy? They're bragging about how addictive their food is right to our faces.


Chromebooks apparently have an expiration date


McDonald's Billboard Above Virtual Billboard


Jeez! Says who? Found on Facebook feed


Does an 8 year old really need all this?
