what made Stuart so suprised?

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Behavior question— affection or aggression?

Joji has developed a biting habit. He doesn’t really show any signs of aggression, in fact usually he’s very social and loves attention from me. However when I pet him sometimes he likes to nibble at my fingers. Sometimes it’s gentle, but sometimes it *really* hurts (he’s broken skin before). I try not to let him do it, but he will like go out of his way to get to my fingers sometimes, almost like he thinks they’re treats? I notice he tends to bite at my fingernails the most. He nibbles on other parts of my body, too. He’s bitten my legs before and sometimes when I’m laying on the ground he’ll nip at my nose or my shirt. Sometimes his bites are preceded by a lick or two. Other things to note, he is neutered and bonded with a female rabbit. He is typically very sweet but I want to curb his biting. Any advice?


DIY toy!

My bun absolutely loves chewing on my brooms, and since I knew the plastic bristles weren’t good for her I always kept her away from it but today I had a great idea! I took some of her hay, a chewing stick she liked along with some string-like stuff from an old toy and made her a safe broom to play with! She seems to love it so far Do you guys have any other diy toys your buns love? I’m trying to find new things to make/get for her (she’s 2.5yrs old and I’ve started to run out of ideas!)


Does anyone know what sf2 means?

I adopted this bunny from the humane society and I have always wondered what his ear tattoo sf2 means. Or if it even means anything at all. I thought I would finally ask here because my friend asked if he was tested on before I got him. I don’t know anything about his life before I had him other than he was extremely neglected and probably abused based on how he first acted and still acts sometimes.


And meet Squirrel


Meet Luna Mom to Salem and Squirrel

pics of squirrel coming soon


What is his breed?

Thank you for the help!


Wild bunny spotted

Cute, wild bunny in my flower bed!


how to cross the wooden sea

lily trying to make her way back haha


Any way to let rabbit out of cage without bathroom floor?

Title is a bit confusing but basically after a flood I decided it was a better idea to keep my rabbits in a cage (big enough and they seem comfortable in it) while I am away. Now I want to let them free roam when I'm here but literally as soon as I free them it's like a race to who can lay the most poop and pee everywhere in my appartment. They have better litter habits in the cage it seems but I don't wanna keep them caged up all the time if that makes sense. I am getting them both neutered November 7th but until then I would love some people to tell me their experience. Am I doomed to let them free roam and poop everywhere and suck it up and clean up like a maid until their neutering, or do I have other options? Thanks for your input


Yall i was looking for for him for like 30 min he was supermaned behind the coach
