We are told she is at least some percent Maine Coon. Does she look it? (7 months)

Read also:

His sleeping positions kill me every time


I was away for five days. I want to go to bed because it’s midnight but I missed her too.


RIP my cat

What about it?



Time to go to bed


Alfred’s favorite sleeping spot


"I'm so happy wivs mahself"

What about it?

"I knew mah hoomam culnt sleep, so I pushed open a door wiv a doorstop (stoopid hoomans) behind it & then howled at the stairs door at 5am until mah hoomam got up & took me upstairs wivs him. Now I'm oh so happy wivs myself & mah actions, I've got mah hooman & mah hoomans bed" Ivy - proving that if at first you don't succeed then just howl louder until you get what you want 🤣🤷‍♂️ Apparently she now knows when I'm having a bout of insomnia 😆


Cali and Mr. Pickles!!!


My blind calico baby

What about it?

She was a feral who was supposed to part of a TNR program, but turned out she was allergic to the anesthetic and went into cardiac arrest on the operating table. The vet managed to get her back, but not before she had some pretty significant brain damage. About six months ago, she caught the sniffles from my other cat but didn’t get better, and we realized that she had some heart damage from her previous cardiac arrest, as well. It was touch and go for a couple days, but $1K in vet bills and daily subcutaneous fluids later, she made a full recovery!! She’s still high maintenance and absolutely driving me crazy, but she’s healthy and happy now. Just figured I’d post a happy story on this sub.


Over 5 months old now. He is growing up so fast. 😭


look at my babies! [oc]
