My kitty is recovering from an emergency surgery and he can’t really groom so I’m noticing tons of dandruff today after some pets, it’s kind of annoying to get off does anyone have any methods without water? (bc of his catheter and cone of shame)

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What’s your favorite puzzle feeder?

Alright so I got a puzzle feeder for my cat last night, he’s high energy and pretty intelligent. I set it up on its hardest setting and he had the thing figured out in 30 seconds. He loves it and it keeps him busy for 8-10min which is awesome. I’m looking to maybe get 2-3 more that way I can alternate them and keep him from getting bored of it. What’s your favorite one?


She ate all the feathers


Enjoying the sun


Meet Phoebe

This cute baby Bicolor Ragdoll comes home to me at the end of September. I am so over the moon 🥰


Hes been wandering around our oil tankers at work. Only kitten or cat I've ever seen on the property. Think his size is to big to socialize? He looked much smaller, and less feisty, outside of the trap 😐


Pixie (Black) being a good big sister letting Saturn (Calico) eat first


Wtf Temu


Yes, i leave the pint glass there and top it off regularly. #catdad


Achilles is trying to biscuit this cold out of me
