She is not beautiful? Me Emma OC ❤️🥹😍🥰😻

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Good thoughts please

Hi! My cat is making terrible noise breathing. She had been sneezing and coughing, so I brought her in with a possible upper respiratory infection. 7 days Clavamox, should clear up. Went through the whole bottle provided, over the 7 days with no change. Brought her to the vet again and they said allergies. Gave her a steroid shot (“allergy shot” that they claimed she needed, even though she’s never had allergies before), no improvement. In fact, her breathing got worse. Back to the vet, this time they did a chest x-ray that came back with clear lungs and a strong little heart. Since no pneumonia or asthma, they put her on doxycycline. Same as the Clavamox, used the whole bottle and things have only continued to get louder with her breathing. Vet was thinking if the doxy didn’t solve anything, maybe nasal polyps. I scheduled an appointment at another vet for a 2nd opinion, and that was supposed to be tomorrow. Instead, today she threw up blood. No one was home when it happened. I had to be in my actual office instead of working at home, and my husband was at an appointment. He came home to the bloody pile and scooped her to the vet. The same one that we’ve been to about this issue for about 2 months. We were able to get a referral to a bigger facility, and have an appointment at 8 tomorrow morning thanks to the persistence of our local vet. I left the office early, and my employer was wonderfully accommodating about it. My kitty is about 12, and has been through so much with me. She was originally rescued from a humane society that my aunt sits on the board of, and was the cat that she would always bring home on the weekends because she was always overlooked. I didn’t know this when she chose me and found out via a phone call of my aunt crying happy tears. Her pelvis was crushed when she was born, so she is what I affectionately call front wheel drive. She can’t jump, and when she tried to run she usually ends up falling over. I know that is why she was overlook, and frankly that is a mistake made by anyone who passed her by. She is the sweetest, most loving cat I’ve ever encountered. She loves when anyone comes to the house, running to the door as it’s someone else to give her attention. She runs this house, laying the law down on our dog who is now scared of this old, overweight, declawed (she was when I adopted her; not my choice), cat who can’t sneak out at him. I don’t know why I’m making this post. I’m scared. I want nothing more than to to snuggle her tight, but that seems like it makes it harder for her to breathe. I guess I’m just looking for some positive thoughts about her. I’m not ready. I refuse to let her suffer in vain though. Please enjoy this picture of her in her Bowie phase. I love you Middi kitty.


My kitty is recovering from an emergency surgery and he can’t really groom so I’m noticing tons of dandruff today after some pets, it’s kind of annoying to get off does anyone have any methods without water? (bc of his catheter and cone of shame)




What’s your favorite puzzle feeder?

Alright so I got a puzzle feeder for my cat last night, he’s high energy and pretty intelligent. I set it up on its hardest setting and he had the thing figured out in 30 seconds. He loves it and it keeps him busy for 8-10min which is awesome. I’m looking to maybe get 2-3 more that way I can alternate them and keep him from getting bored of it. What’s your favorite one?


She ate all the feathers


Enjoying the sun


Meet Phoebe

This cute baby Bicolor Ragdoll comes home to me at the end of September. I am so over the moon 🥰


Hes been wandering around our oil tankers at work. Only kitten or cat I've ever seen on the property. Think his size is to big to socialize? He looked much smaller, and less feisty, outside of the trap 😐


Pixie (Black) being a good big sister letting Saturn (Calico) eat first


Wtf Temu
